Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Husband Needs Photography Classes

Can you see why?

So I asked the husband to shoot some pics of me and well, I wish I hadn't. I love the man, but he has no idea what he's doing. He managed to get all my bad angles in one single photo shoot. I guess it's a gift. An ordinary gift that no one wants. I'm still thankful that he was willing to try. {Thank you baby} I guess we will have to work on it. Hopefully, we will have some improvements. We shall see. 

Good night!

God blesssssss,



  1. Hey lil buddy... guess who FINALLY came to check out what you have been up to???? thats right... the BFFer!!! OK 1st of all LOVE LOVE LOVE everything. Keep up the good work. 2nd... there is nothing wrong w/ the pictures... they are gorg!!! and 3rd... ummm where is this... in your backyard? How have I not seen these swings... better yet how come I haven't swung on them??? and 4th... i think I may have overfed your fish. theres a possibility they might not be swimming by tomorrow morning... ;) LOVE YOU....
    p.s... Shakes come and go but friends are furrr-ever

  2. ahahahahah, a gift indeed ;)

    with me is quite the opposite: I look bad in almost every single photo taken by any person other than my husband. his gift is what I call "Love Vision": he loves me so much he can find beauty where others obviously don't :D

    nice to meet you, Jules. I'll be dropping by your blog other times for sure!

    um beijo :*

  3. (btw, I liked the pictures and the outfit, but I trust you when you say you have better angles to show. we always know what's our best looks, that's for sure)

  4. Liking the blog, and your still such a newlywed you have Husband way too much, but that's never a bad thing. haha

    PS i wanna go play on your playground, i call a girls day at your house! haha oh and with a good photographer, atleast he tries ju!

    BTW nice blending of the denim it looks good and Not 80s! that's talent.

  5. hahaha such a cute post! my boyfriend is my photographer :)

    stop by sometime<3


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